Small Wonder

Gambar Small Wonder Posisi Preschool Teacher (Near MRT/LRT STN)

Small Wonder believes in developing children through incorporating best practices from over 25 years of experience in the early childhood field in Singapore. We believe learning should be fun, enjoyable, and discovered by children themselves with confidence, all in an environment that children look forward to going every day.

At the heart of Small Wonder is a commitment to holistic child development, with a strong focus on feeding the child’s natural appetite for knowledge as well as nurturing a wholesome character. We believe that children should have an enjoyable and active learning experience, in preparation for their journey towards lifelong success..

Our 3 Key Beliefs & Principles

  • Respecting every child as an individual

  • A balanced, integrated curriculum

  • Parental and community partnership

Industry Education
Company Size: 2001 - 5000 Employees
Average Processing Time: 27 days
Industry: Education
Benefits & Others: Dental, Education support, Medical, Regular hours, Mondays - Fridays, Business (e.g. Shirts)