Edmund Nyi GLP Properties Kuala Lumpur

Gambar Edmund Nyi GLP Properties Kuala Lumpur Posisi Property Sales & Marketing Consultant

GLP SDN BHD (KL) Mainly Deals In New Project Marketing, Subsales, Renting And Auction Properties.

Company total 500+ agent up to now 2023 years.

We will give 1 to 1 basis training to help agent close sales in 7 days!

Proven way to be provided and teach you what to do from A to Z!

IF you are new in real estate / Fresh graduated,

Don’t worry! join u! We can give you stable and high income that you never imagine!

IF you are doing as project agent from others company,

No one teaching? Got sales but commission not able to received from company?

Come join us! We have 5 years ago make a REALFAST SYSTEM! Fast commission and Full Commission for all project you sell under GLP SDN BHD (KL) here!

IF you are sub sales agent,

trying to find a right company to break your own record,

achieve higher income, build your on team and overriding bonus more than 200k per month?

You should join us! Because we can the system and proven way can share to you.

Which you can achieve a million income per annual!

Industry Property / Real Estate
Registration No.: 1250126-X
Company Size: 1 - 50 Employees
Industry: Property / Real Estate
Benefits & Others: Regular hours, Mondays - Fridays, Business (e.g. Shirts), Free leads & customer, Subsidy Marketing cost, Incentive trip & luxury reward

Company Photo